Collegium Dorotheum
Collegium Dorotheum was founded in 2003 by Kristor Hustad as music director of the Vienna Community Church, a non-denominational congregation for the English-speaking constituency of International Organizations, embassies and other expatriates. The group was built from a mixture of serious amateurs, voice students or students of conducting at music universities in Vienna, and a few professionals, too. Many went ahead on their path as professional musicians among them Rebecca Nelsen, Shannon Mercer, David Rahbee, Michael Zehetner, Clemens Kölbl, Taisiya Labetskaya.
Other contributors were Lucio Golino, Uschi Horner, Gerlinde Bachinger, Alexander Kaimbacher, Ingrid Haselberger, Zhenyi Hou, Eva Dworschak, Theresa Dlouhy, Florian Schwarz, Andreas Salzbrunn, Robert Rieder, Kinga Majorossy, Klaus Hehn, Hugo Seilern-Aspang and in the more recent past Julian Podger.
The mission of Collegium Dorotheum is to be an open platform for performing works of diverse epochs, be it from the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and even the modern classical era. This was reflected in the choice of instruments, from groups of viols, baroque trombones, cornetto, chalumeau, baroque and modern strings, theorbo, harpsichord and organ, clarinets, oboes, bassoon, trumpets, French and natural horns, timpany. Long-time organizer of the instruments was the cellist Colette Binder.
Sacred music
Claudio Monteverdi
Selva Morale e Spirituale
Lutherische Stadtkirche, Wien February 17, 2024
Teil 1
Stetit angelus/ Simeon iustus – Gregorianik
Canzon septimi toni a 8 – Giovanni Gabrieli (ca.1544-1612)
Deus in adjutorium meum – Gregorianik
Dixit Dominus secondo – Claudio Monteverdi
Responsum accepit Simeon – Gregorianik
Confitebor terzo – Claudio Monteverdi
Accipiens Simeon – Gregorianik
Laudate pueri secondo – Claudio Monteverdi
Canzon quarta a doi violini overo cornetti – Giovanni Picchi (1571-1643)
Lumen ad revelationem – Gregorianik
Laudate dominum terzo – Claudio Monteverdi
Canzon duodecima a doi tromboni & doi violini – Giovanni Picchi (1571-1643)
Beatus vir – Claudio Monteverdi
Teil 2
Ricercar del secondo tono– Andrea Gabrieli (ca.1532-1585)
Salve regina secondo – Claudio Monteverdi
Adoramus – Claudio Monteverdi / Libro 1o de motetti 1620 (Bianchi)
Adorna thalamum – Gregorianik
Stetit Angelus – Gregorianik / Julian Podger
Senex puerum – Gregorianik
Magnificat primo – Claudio Monteverdi
Sacred music
William Byrd
The Great Service
Lutherische Stadtkirche, Wien February 26, 2023
Sing joyfully – Anthem – Psalm 81, 1-4 (Genfer Bibel)
Tollite portas – Gregorianischer Choral
Venite – The Great Service
This is the record of John – Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
Benedictus – The Great Service
Lulla lullaby – Solo / Instrumental –
aus : Psalmes, Sonnets and Songs (1588), Nr.32
Antiphon: Pueri Hebraeorum – Gregorianik – Psalm 23, 1-2
Kyrie – The Great Service
Gloria – Thomas Weelkes (ca.1575-1623)
Antiphon: Hodie scietis – Gregorianik
Creed – The Great Service
Antiphon: Hic accipient – Gregorianik – Psalm 23, 3-4
Ave Maria – Robert Parsons (ca.1530-1570)
Magnificat – The Great Service
Antiphon: Hic accipient – Gregorianik – Psalm 23, 5-6
Nunc dimittis – The Great Service
The leaves be green – Instrumental
Antiphon: Pueri Hebraeorum – Gregorianik – Psalm 23, 7-8
Attollite Portas – Psalm 24, 7,8,10 –
– Motette aus: Cantiones quae ab argumento sacrae vocantur
Sacred music
Heinrich Schütz
Symphoniae Sacrae III
Heinrich Schütz
Aus dem alten Testament
Der Herr ist mein Hirt – Psalm 23 SWV 398
Wo der Herr nicht das Haus – Psalm 127 SWV 400
Herr, wie lange soll mein – Psalm 13 SWV 416
Lasset uns uns doch dem Herren unserm Gott danken – div.Ps.,Jer.5 SWV 407
Giovanni Pierluigi di Palestrina
Jubilus Bernhardi – O Jesu dulcis memoria
Aus dem Neuen Testament
Siehe, es erschien der Engel – Matt.2, 13-15 SWV 403
Mein Sohn, warum hast du uns das getan – Luk.2, 48-49; Ps.84, 1-2,4 SWV 401
Saul, Saul, was verfolgst du mich – Apg.9, 4-5 SWV 415
O Jesu süß, wer dein gedenkt (super Lilia convallium Alexandri Grandis) Jubilus Bernhardi – SWV 406
Nun jauchzt dem Herren alle Welt – David Denicke ~ 1603-1680
Nun danket alle Gott – nach Martin Rinckart, 1636 SWV 418
Sacred music
Lutherische Stadtkirche Wien November 16, 2019
Teil 1: Flandern
Philippe de Monte Advenit ignis divinus
(1521-1603) Liber secundus sacrarum cantionum cum sex vocibus, 1587
Philippe de Monte Miserere mei, Deus
Liber quintus sacrarum cantionum cum quinque vocibus, 1579
Clemens non Papa Ego flos campi
(c.1510-c.1555) 1555
Philippe de Monte Ad te, Domine, levavi animam
Liber tertius sacrarum cantionum cum quinque vocibus, 1574
Philippe de Monte Super flumina Babylonis
Choral O viridissima virga
Hildegard von Bingen; 1098- 1179
Teil 2: England
William Byrd Quomodo cantabimus
(1543-1623) late 16th century
William Byrd Laetentur coeli
Liber primus sacrarum cantionum, 1589
Thomas Tallis Loquebantur variis linguis
(c.1505-1585) Early to mid-16th century
William Byrd Ave verum
Gradualia ac cantiones sacrae 1605
William Byrd Agnus Dei (Mass for four voices)
Orlando Gibbons O clap your hands
Teil 1: Flandern
Philippe de Monte – Advenit ignis divinus
Philippe de Monte – Miserere mei, Deus
Clemens non Papa – Ego flos campi
Philippe de Monte – Ad te, Domine, levavi animam
Philippe de Monte – Super flumina Babylonis
Hildegard von Bingen; 1098- 1179 – O viridissima virga
Teil 2: England
William Byrd – Quomodo cantabimus
William Byrd – Laetentur coeli
Thomas Tallis – Loquebantur variis linguis
William Byrd – Ave verum
William Byrd – Agnus Dei (Mass for four voices)
Orlando Gibbons – O clap your hands
Leopold Mozart, Georg Friedrich Händel, Franz Xaver Richter
Leopold Mozart
Sinfonia G-Dur (Nr. 25) für 2 Violinen, Viola, und Bass
Georg Friedrich Händel
Concerto III für flauto taverso, violino concertante, archi e basso continuo
Franz Xaver Richter
Le Lezzioni di Jeremia Propheta No.4,8,9
Sacred music
Heinrich Schütz
Opus Ultimum – Schwanengesang
Wohl denen, die ohne Wandel leben (Nr. 1, SWV 482)
Aleph und Beth ב א
Tue wohl deinem Knecht (Nr. 2, SWV 483)
Gimel und Daleth ד ג
Zeige mir, Herr, den Weg (Nr. 3, SWV 484)
He und Waw ן ה
Gedenke deinem Knechte an deinem Wort (Nr. 4, SWV 485)
Zajin und Chet ח ז
Du tust Gut’s deinem Knechte (Nr. 5, SWV 486)
Thet und Jod י ט
Meine Seele verlanget nach deinem Heil (Nr. 6, SWV 487)
Kaph und Lamed ל כ
Wie habe ich dein Gesetz so lieb (Nr. 7, SWV 488)
Mem und Nun נ מ
Ich hasse die Flattergeister (Nr. 8, SWV 489)
Samech und Aïn ע ס
Deine Zeugnisse sind wunderbarlich (Nr. 9, SWV 490)
Pe und Zade צ פ
Ich rufe von ganzem Herzen (Nr. 10, SWV 491)
Koph und Resch ר ק
Die Fürsten verfolgen mich ohn Ursach (Nr. 11, SWV 492)
Schin und Tav ת ש
Sacred music
Heinrich Schütz
Musikalische Exequien op.7
Teil I: Concert in Form einer teutschen Begräbnis-Messe SWV 279
Teil II: Motette Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe, SWV 280
Teil III: Canticum B. Simeonis Herr, nun lässest du deinen Diener in Frieden fahren, SWV 281
Selig sind die Toten SWV 391
Ich weiß, daß mein Erlöser lebt SWV 393
Sacred music
Johann Christoph Bach
Meister barocken Ausdrucks
Johann Christoph Bach
Wie bist Du denn o Gott, in Zorn auf mich entbrannt
Ach, dass ich Wassers g’nug hätte
Der Mensch, vom Weibe geboren
Sei getreu bis in den Tod
Fürchte Dich nicht
Dietrich Buxtehude
David Funck
aus «Stricturae Viola-di-gambicae ex Sonatis, Ariis, Intradis, Allemandis
&c. Quator Violis da gamba concinendus promicantes » Leipzig 1677
Sacred music
O Be Joyful in the Lord
Rhian Mädel, Sopran
Matthias Rabl, Tenor
Mischa Richter, Bariton
Roland Jähn, Bass
Veronika Guschlbauer, Blockflöte
Prisca Schlemmer, Oboe
Carola Jähn, Cembalo
Hugo Seilern-Aspang, Conductor
Orlando Gibbons
„O clap your hands“
„O Lord in thy wrath“
William Byrd
„Ave Verum“
William H.Harris
„Faire is the Heaven“
Georg Philipp Telemann
Triosonate in c-moll
Georg Friedrich Händel
L’ascia ch’io pianga
„Chandos Anthem No.1“
Sacred music
Motets, Cantata & Cantiones Sacrae
Rhian Mädel, Soprano
Roland Jähn, Bass
Hugo Seilern-Aspang, Conductor
William Byrd
“Ne irascaris Domine”
William H. Harris
„Faire is the heaven“
Heinrich Schütz
aus den „Cantiones Sacrae“
„O bone, o dulcis, o benigne Jesu“
„Deus misereatur nostri“
Johann Sebastian Bach
Motette „Fürchte dich nicht“
Kantate Nr. 57 „Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn“
Georg Philipp Telemann
Sonate in f-moll
Aus der „Tafelmusik“
Sacred music
Cori Spezzati
Konzert zum Reformationstag
Christoph Kögler – Violine
Martina Daxböck –Sopran
Roland Jähn – Bass
Oekumeno Brass
Andrea Gabrieli
„Deus misereatur nostri“ (dreichörig)
Giovanni Gabrieli
„Confitebor tibi Domine“ (dreichörig)
„Cantate Domino et Exultate“
Heinrich Schütz
aus: „Kleine Geistliche Konzerte“
„Ich will den Herrn loben allezeit“
„Ich liege und schlafe“
„Psalm 150 Alleluja! Lobet den Herren in seinem Heiligtum“ SWV 38 (vierchörig)
Sacred music
Die vier Tageszeiten
Ingrid Haselberger, Sopran
Susanne Lebloch, Mezzosopran
Tamas Rolik, Tenor
Roland Jähn, Bass
Kinga Majorossy, Direction
Johann Friedrich FASCH: Freudenbezeugung der vier Tageszeiten
für Sopran, Alt, Tenor und Bass
Clarini, Flauti, Oboe, Violini, Viola, Violoncello und Basso continuo
Sacred music
St.Paul, Wien Döbling, April 19, 2015
Maria Blahutova, Sopran
Barbara Schandl, Sopran
Clarisse Jähn, Alt
Susanne Lebloch, Alt
Julian Podger, Tenor
Ivan Benitez, Tenor
Roland Jähn, Bass
Jan Blahuta, Bass
Clemens Kölbl, Bass
Christoph Graupner
Jesus lebt! Sagt es an
Kantate GWV 1128/39
Georg Ph. Telemann
Concerto con Violini, Flauti, Oboi e Basso TWV 44:41
Georg Ph. Telemann
Zwei jünger gehen nach Emmaus
Kantate für den 2. Osterfeiertag TWV1:1738
Graupner: Jesus lebt Sagt es an – Choral da capo
Sacred music
Suvi Vayrynen, Sopran
Tamas Rolik, Tenor
Federico Benigni, Violine
Kinga Majorossy, Orgel und Leitung
Jan Dismas Zelenka
Magnificat in C
Georg Friedrich Händel
Orgelkonzert op.7, Nr. 5
Christoph Graupner
Das Licht des Lebens gehet auf
Sacred music
Die Auferweckung des Lazarus
Tetiana Dyiu, Sopran
Susanne Lebloch, Alt
Julian Podger, Tenor
Roland Jähn, Bass
Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach
Die Auferweckung Lazarus
Antonio Vivaldi
Concerto für 2 Flöten, Streicher und B.c., 1. Satz
Sacred music
Dresdner Passion
Birte Stokkebaek, Alt
Julian Podger, Tenor
Roland Jähn, Bass
Oboe: Markus Deuter, Susanna Heilmayr
Flöte: Judith Gasché, Susanna Heilmayr
Chalumeau: Judith Gasché
Violine: Christoph Kögler, Stefanie Wolff
Viola: Katharina Birkfellner
Violoncello: Marie Orsini-Rosenberg, Colette Binder
Orgelpositiv: Carola Jähn, Roland Jähn
Jan Dismas Zelenka
„Lamentationes pro hebdomada sacra I, V, VI“
„Hypochondrie a 7“
Johann David Heinichen
„Concerto in G-Dur Seibel 213“
Johann Georg Pisendel
„Sonata in d-Moll“
Sacred music
L’Enfance du Christ
Eva Hinterreithner, Mezzosopran
Richard Klein, Tenor
Roland Jähn, Bariton
Clemens Kölbl, Leitung
Hector Berlioz, aus
„L’Enfance du Christ op.25“
Gabriel Fauré
„Pavane op.50“
Peter Cornelius
„Die Könige op.8/Nr.3“
Sacred music
Protestantische Musik des Barock
Clarisse Jähn, Sopran
Barbara Schandl, Sopran
Carola Jähn, Alt
Julian Podger, Tenor
Clemens Kölbl, Bariton
Roland Jähn, Bass
Julian Podger & Clemens Kölbl, Leitung
Jan Pieterszon Sweelinck
Georg Muffat
Sonata in g (aus: Armonico Tributo)
Johann Schop
Pavan a 6 in F
Georg Philipp Telemann
Suite in a
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
Sonata in G (aus: Fidicium Sacro-Profanum)
Sacred music
Biblické Písně
Jolene McCleland, Mezzosopran
Roland Jähn, Bariton
Klaus Hehn, Orgel
Clemens Kölbl, Leitung
Antonín Dvorák
„Biblische Lieder“ op.99
Leoš Janácek
Suite für Streicher, 1926
Kleines Orgelstück
Darius Milhaud
1ère Symphonie
„Le printemps“ op. 43
Sacred music
Theresa Dlouhy, Sopran
Heidemaria Gruber, Alt
Florian Ehrlinger, Tenor
Roland Jähn, Bass
PeiXi Wu, Cembalo
Clemens Kölbl, Leitung
Georg Philipp Telemann
Weihnachtskantate „Göttliches Kind, laß mit Entzücken“
Antonio Vivaldi
„Concerto in g“
Marc-Antoine de Charpentier
„Canticum in Nativitatem Domini“
Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow
„Meine Seele erhebet den Herrn“
Sacred music
Eva Dworschak, Temperantia, Sopran
Zhenyi Hou, Prudentia, Alt
Florian Ehrlinger, Justitia, Tenor
Gebhard Hegmann, Theologia, Bariton
Roland Jähn, Fortitudo, Bass
PeiXi Wu, Cembalo
Clemens Kölbl, Leitung
Joseph Haydn
Allegorische Kantate
Hob. XXIVa: 6
Georg Philipp Telemann
Concerto in D
Sacred music
Der liebreiche und geduldige David
Eva Dworschak, Sopran (Meditatio)
Alexander Kaimbacher, Tenor (Ithai)
Clemens Kölbl, Bariton (Abissai)
Roland Jähn, Bass (David)
Klaus Hehn, Cembalo
Florian Schwarz / Chor Kammerton, Leitung
Johann Mattheson (1681-1764)
„Oratorium Der liebreiche und geduldige David“ 1723
Sacred music
Tilge Höchster, meine Sünden
Yao Yao, Sopran
Zhenyi Hou, Alt
Roland Jähn, Bass
Klaus Hehn, Orgel
Lucio Golino, Leitung
Heinrich Sutermeister
„Der 84. und der 86 Psalm“
Johann Sebastian Bach
„Teile Höchster, meine Sünden (Psalm 51)“
nach dem Stabat Mater von G.B.Pergolesi
Antonio Caldara N.N.
Camille Saint-Saëns
Szymon Ferdynand Lechleitner
„De profundis“
Sacred music
Passio secondo Marcum
Laura Gandlgruber, Sopran
Zhenyi Hou, Alt
Alexander Kaimbacher, Tenor
Helmut Pohorec, Bass
Roland Jähn, Bass
Gerlinde Bachinger / Cantores Suaves
Lucio Golino & Gerlinde Bachinger, Leitung
Reinhard Keiser
„Passio secondo Marcum“
Capella San Filippo
In St.Rochus Church in Vienna’s III.rd district, the Renaissance Ensemble Cinquecento sings high mass each festive Sunday, supported by friends and colleagues to cover for absences such as tours. Liturgy is done authentically in Gregorian chant, in part by members of the Wiener Hofmusikkapelle.
A few examples:
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (~1525 – 1594): MISSA L’HOMME ARMÉ
Philippus de Monte (1521 – 1603) MISSA AD TE LEVAVI OCULOS MEOS
Cristóbal de Morales (c.1500-1553) MISSA AVE MARIS STELLA
Thomas Crécquillon (c.1505 – 1557) MISSA DOULCE MEMOIRE
William Byrd (1543 – 1623): MASS FOR THREE VOICES
Cristóbal de Morales (c. 1500 – 1553) MISSA SUPER FA RE UT FA SOL LA
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (~1525 – 1594): MISSA PAPAE MARCELLI
Hard-Chor Linz was founded by Alexander Koller who was a co-musician of mine in the Chorus Sine Nomine and in Company of Music. Consequently, during a long-term project assignment in Linz / Upper Austria, I joined his ensemble and had a number of very nice concert experiences:
- A birthday celebration of composer Balduin Sulzer and a concert with his Cantiones Sacrae (joined by the Jeunesse Choir)
- A world premiere of Ernst Ludwig Leitner’s (*1943) – 5th Symphony „Den Manen Anton Bruckners“
Text by Josef Weinheber (UA) with Bruckner Orchester in St.Florian and the Salzburg Cathedral - Participation at the first televised Choir of the year competition (2017) of the European Broadcasting Union in Riga, Latvia
- World premiere of One World by Sir Karl Jenkins (2023) at Brucknerhaus Linz with World Orchestra for Peace, World Choir for Peace (Conductor Nicol Matt), Hard-Chor Linz, Mass Choir and Stay at Home Choir (Tori Longdon and Jamie Wright)
Company of music
Company of Music was founded in 2002 by Johannes Hiemetsberger, inspired by Matthias Naske for the Jeunesse Festival „Geheimnis Musik“ at Palais Schönburg. This festival was stretched over three weekends and the program was not known to the audience but actors led people through the palais and there were individual performances of all kinds in separate rooms. Highlights were in the grand salon, such as the string quartet „Stille – An Diotima“ by Luigi Nono, in the library (Johannes Bogner on the harpsichord with Jean Philippe Rameau), or in the staircase (György Ligeti’s Lux Aeterna).
I was in this first group of sixteen singers and performed in two more productions, most recently in „The Outcast“ by Olga Neuwirth.
Apart from Company of Music there were a number of projects with Martin Haselböck’s Orchester Wiener Akademie and the Chorus Sine Nomine I was asked to support, after I had parted from that group :
- „Belshazzar’s Feast“ by Georg Friedrich Händel in Pamplona, Navarra (with Laurence Cummings conducting)
- „Il Ritorno di Tobia“ by Joseph Haydn at the Beethovenfestival in Warsaw
- Cantata’s by Carl-Phillip Emanuel Bach at the Salzburg Festival and at Alte Oper Frankfurt
There were concerts with other orchestra’s and a capella, like:
- Mendelssohn’s Symphony No.2 Lobgesang with Tonkünstlerorchester Niederösterreich
- A program with spirituals and Porgy and Bess suite at the Grafenegg Festival
- An a capella program with Bach motets in Hamburg (Festival Lux Aeterna) and in St.Peter, Salzburg
St.Florianer Sängerknaben
The St.Florianer Sängerknaben asked me to participate in the 2018 China tour as a low voice. This was my first time to sing with a boys‘ choir – also my first time to China – and I enjoyed how the boys excelled in singing and loved the music. The tour covered seven concerts in some of the great concert halls of China, such as:
- the National Center for the Performing Arts NCPA in Beijing
- the Grand Theater in Shanghai
- the Xinghai Concert Hall in Guangzhou
- the Shenzhen Concert Hall
The music we performed was a genteel mix of madrigals, Austrian folkish and Viennese highlights (Lehar’s Waltz Gold and Silver/Sound of Music) and international popular songs.
Audiences were very young, too, and totally captivated by the performances. It was a pleasure to have Alois Mühlbacher as a soloist on tour. Years ago, I was given his CD Alois Unerhört, when he was a Wunderkind.
Barbara Allen (traditional) in an arrangement by John Rutter
Again, the St.Florianer Sängerknaben asked me to participate in the 2024 China tour with concerts in six cities:
- the Grand Theatre in Tianjin (as in 2018)
- the Concert Hall in Xi’an
- the Grand Theatre in Linyi
- the Culture Artistic Center in Yancheng
- the Jiangsu Concert Hall in Nanjing
- the Concert Hall in the Forbidden City in Beijing
For the 200th anniversary of the birth of Anton Bruckner, a former St.Florianer Sängerknabe, I took part in a recording of sacred works:
- Locus Iste WAB 23
- Os justi WAB 30
- Ave Maria WAB 6
- Pange Lingua 31